Saturday 3 November 2012

The Big Red "That Was Easy" Button Doesn't Exist

I keep reading negative messages from people complaining about Click Track Profit and how they don't make money from it. When I ask them what they are doing with CTP they simply reply "surfing". I think there is a rather large misunderstanding on just what Click Track Profit actually is.

Yes, here are opportunities within CTP to make money by surfing. You surf and can collect badges and fill game cards and maybe spin the cash wheel. You can also collect money badges. Heck, you can even upgrade and promote CTP and get referrals and if they upgrade, you earn 50% commissions.

While all of this is extremely cool and fun, if you are just surfing to collect badges, then, I hate to break it to you,  that is all you are going to get out of CTP. Badges.

The badges are meant to add to fun to surfing. It's meant to be used as an incentive to keep people surfing. A rather genius idea by the owners, if you ask me. Collecting badges is fun and addictive. It also serves to the idea that we as a society today crave that instant gratification. Collect all the game pieces and badges we need makes us feel good.

That is the idea behind the badges. That's it. They are not meant to make you rich. So if you have the paid to click mentality then you probably won't get much out of Click Track Profit.

The REAL "nugget" in CTP is the training. I am willing to bet that 90% of the people complaining about how they don't make money with CTP have not watched one training video. If they had watched the training videos then they would have known this already.

While I can understand that Click Track Profit is not meant for everybody or even that sometimes "now" is not the right time for some people, I cannot understand how someone joins a program and refuses to use it to its full potential, then turn around and trash it in the chat rooms.

Do the training. Learn what the program is all about. THEN make a decision or give your opinion. Until then, it's best to keep quiet.

That is my rant of the day!


  1. Right on Janelle. The quick rewards in CTP are to adults what gold stars are to kids on their school work. Something to provide prestige and encourage them to keep on doing what they need to do to succeed.

  2. Great post Janelle... I love it and hope to see even more.

  3. Of course there is a big red "easy button". I've seen it. It lives on Jon's desk ;)

    But seriously. Great post. Of course CTP works. The problem is that people aren't willing to put in the effort to make it work for them. CTP is all about long-term success and not overnight riches.

  4. Thank you for your comments guys. Jerry, you are absolutely right. Click Track Profit is about long term!

  5. Great post, Janelle!

    For me, the badges are a great scorecard. But the real nugget is the training...Every day is something new and exciting.
