Wednesday 31 October 2012

Quote Of The Day

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, It is the  only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

Thursday 18 October 2012

Good Things On The Horizon!

At the risk of losing momentum with this blog, I will simply state that I haven't forgotten about it. I have been a little distracted. I am working on something that I think is going to be pretty amazing with a friend. Stay tuned.....

Until next time,
Janelle Pineau

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Excuse Me, May I Have Some Water?

What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
James 2:14-17

It is unimaginable to me to think that there are people on this earth who, in 2012, with all the technology and industrial advances that we have at our finger tips, still do not have the most basic fundamental necessities. Something as simple as a clean glass of water. 

Yet here we are in 2012. I lay in bed on my laptop watching my flat screen television, my daughter is on the floor playing with her pile of toys, clothed, warm and fed. Two cars are in my drive way. My mortgage is paid for this month.Yet I dare say that I am lacking things in my life. I do say it. I'll admit in times of weakness and self absorption I will say "I am poor". I am far from poor. I will stop myself next time I go to say anything remotely close to that again.

Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
Matthew 25:44-45

What I am about to say next SHOULD actually make your jaw drop. What I am about to say SHOULD feel like someone has punched you in the stomach. It should enrage you to the point that you are moved to do something. Brace yourself. Please.

3.4 million people die each year from water related diseases. 

 780 million people lack access to clean water.

Read those numbers again and try to understand that magnitude and seriousness of them. Now look around you. Forget about not having the latest iPhone or latest gaming console. Forget about not having high speed internet or the latest fashion trends hanging in your closet. Forget about the take out we order way too often. Imagine all of it gone. Imagine not being able to have one simple glass of clean water.

You can't, can you? Me either. 

Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every four hours.

I am writing this blog to make you feel guilty. The truth is, we SHOULD feel guilty. There is no way to justify watching our brothers and sisters suffer. Are we all bad people? No. But we are jaded with our everyday life and forget that we are truly blessed. 

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2

Jon Olson and the folks at Tim Tech have come up with an amazing program called Traffic Exchange Cares. 

It is a foundation where 100 % of the proceeds go directly to clean water projects in developing nations. By clicking the website above you can see exactly where each dollar goes. The villages it helps. And the amazing contribution these guys have made with collecting donations already. 

From what I understand, this project is far from complete in the eyes of Tim Tech. They have no desire to slow down. In fact, with each dollar they receive in donations just motivates them to push harder and promote more. And it should. When you see the good your effort and hard work is doing in this world, how can it not motivate you?

Today, Traffic Exchange Cares reached its goal $1000. WHICH IS AMAZING! But does that mean that we pack up and stop donating? Absolutely not. Reaching their goal I'm sure was an amazing feeling but hearing that they did that motivated me to write this blog. To spread the word. And next week when I have some extra money not tied in bills, I will be donating. You can hold me to that because it's in writing.

I urge you to dig deep in your pockets and even if it is just a couple of dollars, those dollars add up. My grandfather used to say "Take care of your pennies and after awhile your dollars will take care of themselves"

If 10,000 people gave $5 that's $50,000! Can you imagine how many clean wells and pumps that $50,000 could provide?

I urge you to promote this link. Send it to your friends and spread the message.

Give what you can and don't stop giving.

Until next time,

Tuesday 9 October 2012

So Much Excitement

It's an exciting time around the traffic exchanges. Summer has come and gone and next comes fall and winter (in case this is your first time learning the seasons! :0)) So what does that mean? Well, it means that it is going to start getting cold. It means that people are going to be staying in. It means that people will be on their computers more. It means that YOU have the opportunity to show your website to thousands of new prospects! That, my friends, is what our goal is, isn't it?

Yes. It is.

So, my suggestion to you is that you get a jump start. Get into Click Track Profit, work on your training, learn to brand yourself and GET YOUR FACE OUT THERE!

Now is a good time to load up on credits also. And if you can, purchase some upgrades and start promoting your exchange affiliate links because it's also the time to start pounding new people into your downlines.

This time of the year may be cold here in Canada but man oh man is it ever exciting!

Janelle Pineau

Tuesday 2 October 2012

First time blogger! Nervous & Excited!

Hopefully it won't be too painfully obvious that I am a first time blogger. Well, to be fair, I have started blogs in the past but always find myself staring aimlessly at my screen trying to find words. The self realization or fear that I have nothing interesting to say always took over and scared me off and my blogs would just get lost somewhere in cyber space.

But this time I am determined to succeed!

I was recently told that in order to have successful blog I must first find something I am passionate about. Something that I love to talk about. Something that I am knowledgeable in.

I have recently discovered a program called Click Track Profit and ultimately decided that this blog will geared towards my interest in that program. I am passionate about it. A program I believe in. And while I may not be the most knowledgeable, it is my hope that while creating and writing this blog, I continue to learn and grow within Click Track Profit. One of the best parts about this program is that if you work the program for what it is, you inevitably will grow.

Let me be clear, this blog is not in anyway a means to sell you, the reader, anything. But hopefully there will be other CTP users, old and new, who can participate in this blog with comments, suggestions and new ideas.

My ulimate goal for this blog is to create somewhat of a guide for Click Track Profit. Something to help walk you through step by step and teach you the ropes. Teach you lessons I have learned and continue to learn everyday. And ultimately teach you how to succeed with Click Track Profit.

So my next step is to figure out just how I am going to put all of this together. I am winging it because I find when I try to polish things or make them perfect, I end up ruining them which I believe is what was the fundamental reason my previous blogs failed. I want this blog, this guide, this process, to be genuine.

Until next time.