Thursday, 20 December 2012

"I Can See Clearly Now...."

Yesterday was a tough day for me both personally and professionally. Without getting into the drama of what happen, its fair to say that I learned a tough lesson - people don't always work with the same set of morals or standards as I do.

I suppose that is a good thing. If everybody worked the same way, what would motivate us? What would challenge us and push us to be better? Deep down inside, I know this but for some reason, it still stings.

Lately, I have been so consumed in the negative drama that goes on within this industry. It started to define how I spent my days. I have been lacking on the important things such as taking time to spend with my family and taking time to strengthen my relationship with Christ through prayer.

It's that time of year again when we go over in our minds and hearts what we'd like to change in the new year. Many resolutions are spoken and promised but most fall short of keeping those promises past the end of January.  For the last couple of years now, I stopped making resolutions, simply because I knew I wouldn't stick to them. It seems I set myself up to fail before even trying.

In the new year, I choose not to use the word resolution again, however, I choose to challenge myself to be all that I can be.

That means that I no longer can hide behind my insecurities and fears and use them as a crutch or excuse not to be successful in 2013. It means that I will literally physically push myself out of my comfort zone and face my fears head on with faith, courage and trust that God is holding my hand. I will no longer lower myself into the drama and pettiness of others both online and offline. I will challenge myself to find Christ-like patience and love with others, even when they hurt me.

But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Matthew 5:39
In 2013, don't make promises to lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more. While all those are great goals and resolutions, you and I both know that they will be forgotten about before the month is over. If you wanted to accomplish any of those resolutions and I mean REALLY accomplish them, then you would. We wait until New Years Eve and say them out loud because it's what we are supposed to do.

Throw away the preconceived notion that if you don't accomplish your goals, you must wait until next year to reach them. 

My challenge to you is that you make the choice to be all that you can be NOW.

My request from you is that if you see me slipping, redirect me back to this post and remind me to straighten up.

This post was all over the map, however, that's usually how my brain works lately so if you read this far, thank you. I wish you a very, very Merry Christmas from my family to yours. However you choose to celebrate this season, may your heart be filled with peace and love. 

Here's to 2013 being a prosperous, challenging, fulfilling year! 


  1. Hope you have a great 2013 Janelle just know god will give you the lessons you need.

  2. Hi! If you get out of your "box" you maybe hurt, but at least you feel the life. As you said, forgive them, don't judge them, just love them. Love brings love in your life.
